1st Alert version 1.10 Copyright (C) 1995 by Fineware Systems and Al Meadows All Rights Reserved This file provides information for Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute the Space Hound package, including an extract from the license agreement and suggested program descriptions and keywords. Distribution The complete license agreement is contained in the file LICENSE.TXT. The following paragraph is an extract from the license agreement regarding the distribution of the Shareware version of Space Hound: You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission, with one exception: --> Disk Vendors approved by the Association of Shareware Professionals --> are permitted to redistribute Space Hound, subject to the conditions --> in this license, without specific written permission. Suggested One Line Program Description: 1st Alert Credit Card Acct Checker Nifty tool;test a credit card checksum value. Suggested Keywords: Visa MasterCard American Express Discover 1st Alert Fineware Credit Card Suggested Description 1st Alert Credit Card verification program. Simply to use Windows based program that allows you to check the numbers on major credit cards. This program does not authorize them for deposit but allows you to check the digits of the number itself before calling the official authorization number. Nice tool to help interpret a hand written order where the card holder writes upside down Vs for 1s, lower case g for 9s, etc. Other Information Requirements: Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups. No other programs are required. Registration: $10.95 + $2 shipping/Handling ($4 international)to receive disk with latest version. Author: Fineware Systems, P.O. Box 75776 Oklahoma City, OK 73147